Start Times (Murhurtha)
Auspicious times for important events (email for info)
Service Description
Selecting start times for important events can greatly enhance the prospects for favorable outcomes. This consultation is for determining beneficial times for starting that event. Typical examples include: marriages, engagements, establishing new businesses, opening a new business, major real estate transactions, signing legal agreements. Following a brief phone interview to gather the pertinent information, a date and time will be determined for that event. You'll receive a detailed written response and if needed, a follow-up phone discussion. To request this consultation, please email (NOTE: Because of the need to determine your requirements in advance, the automatic online booking option has been disabled for this service. Email me directly to set up a time)

Cancellation Policy
Please contact us within 48 hours of the original booking to cancel or re-book your appointment.
Contact Details
(240) 266-9095
Adamstown, MD, USA